Today Facebook sadly announced that it is shutting down Parse(.com), a mobile optimised CMS and Analytics tool – similar to our The Core product. is shutting down – Introducing ParseHosting by The Distance
Anthony Main
4 minutes
time to read
January 29, 2016
Like us, many thousands of mobile developers and iOS and Android apps rely on the Parse backend system to support our apps with cloud based data storage, PUSH notifications and analytics.
Therefore to support the industry we are going to be offering hosting for the recently published open source Parse Server.
Our new website Parse Hosting will be launched next week:
We will look to add additional CMS and PUSH services to the platform to add extra value to the hosting offering.
Feature comparison vs Parse Server
Since the #parseshutdown we have been evaluating the newly released Parse Server code to see exactly what state of affairs Facebook has left us iOS and Android developers.
First a little background……Parse was essentially a few core components:
- Web-based Dashboard
- Content Management System (CMS) and API
- Cloud-based processing system
- PUSH Service
- Analytic Systems
Unfortunately, the open-source Parse Server does not provide the full suite of functionality. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the features, together with an outline of what we are hoping to support with our Parse Hosting service:
Parse Server - No - Yes
Core – Data
Parse Server - Yes - Yes
Core – CMS
Parse Server - Yes - Yes
Core – Cloud Code
Parse Server - Yes (1) - Yes (1)
Core – Web Hooks
Parse Server - No - ?
Core – Jobs
Parse Server - No - Yes
Core – Logs
Parse Server - No - Yes
Core – Config
Parse Server - No - Yes
Core – API Console
Parse Server - No - ?
Parse Server - No - Yes (2)
Parse Server - No - ? (3)
- Cloud Code Modules are not available however there are some replacements
- We will help you migrate to an alternative or our PUSH service
- We will help you migrate to Google Analytics
There are a number of other known incompatibilities that have not been included with Parse Server. We will be working with the community to add additional support for these issues back into the open-source repo. Our hosting platform will also provide core functionality to missing features you have been used to using as soon as possible.
Here is a list of current known incompatibilities:
- App Settings – User Sessions – Expire inactive sessions
- App Settings – User Sessions – Revoke session on password change
- App Settings – User Authentication – Username and password-based authentication are always enabled
- App Settings – Anonymous users are always enabled.
- App Settings – Enable new methods by default is always true
- Social Login – Only Facebook and Anonymous are supported
- Client Class Creation is always allowed
- iOS in-app purchase verification is not supported
- Schema API is no longer available
- Welcome Emails and Email Verification are not supported (but will be by us)
We are currently putting our service proposition together for but in the meantime, this is what we are planning on offering:
- Self-hosting – we will help you set up a Parse Server instance of your own and help migrate your Apps to it
- Parse Server – migration to a simple Parse Server instance hosted by us
- Parse Hosting – migration support to our own platform which is much more fully featured than Parse Server
- BaaS migration – helping you move to another system such as FireBase or BAASBox
The Distance are experts at Parse and are already prepared to help migrate your App. We look forward to continuing the great work and infrastructure that we have all been used to.
For more information email: or follow us on Twitter.
UPDATE: Our new ParseHosting website is live, check out the link below for more information on our Parse Server service:
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